Sunday, April 12, 2020

Buildings I Have Known

RELEVANT BUILDINGS, WEST COAST.  KCET (TV) used to be the Los Angeles PBS station and was housed in the old Monogram Pictures lot and soundstages.  I learned to love Monogram movies: King of the Zombies, The Corpse Vanishes, Charlie Chan, Gale Storm and the East Side Kids.  This site, where Boris Karloff and Bela Lugosi worked, was also the Mack Sennett studios in the silent era and now is owned by Scientology.

I learned how to be a news reporter while working in the KXLY Bldg. which was was a dump compared to this structure north of the river.  Working with Bobbi Ulrich, we would cover murder trials, Idaho forest fires and routine stuff for UPI in a cubicle buried in the old KXLY studios near the Realty Bldg.

Hello Frisco, Goodbye.  (lower right corner)  I had arrived in Idaho at the Statesman, 6th and Bannock, across from a park and City Hall, starting as a night copy editor, headline writer and reporter before graduating to local government reporter where I won a national award for environmental reporting.  I was living in a boarding house a short distance away near what now is the hospital.  I still have a couple of friends in Boise.

1 comment:

Mike Barer said...

I was on KXLY when they had a children's program. We were on a trip to Spokane and I wanted to be on TV, my Dad knew the MC, who pulled some strings to get my sister and I on the show.