Saturday, July 25, 2020

British Realism in 60s & Carry On

FROM BRITAIN — A customer at HMV on Regal St. in London in ’98 advised me that “Carry on Matron” was a good choice.  I bought it (5.99 pounds) and transfered it to the US standard when I got home.  (At that time, VHS tapes of this series were not available in the US).  After more than 20 years the tape is OK (not in Hi Fi).
Hattie Jacques as the hospital matron stole the film from Sidney James and the rest of the Carry On cast with their naughty, slapstick, low brow humor.  Carry On is an acquired taste and I am sure many viewers are repulsed with their over the top gags.  I got the bug while a student at  the U of Wash. seeing “Carry on Nurse” at a University District theater.
Sixties British films often dealt with working class struggles and “Leather Boys” is a prime example with Rita Tushingham as the romantic lead.  This is worth a look as is Georgy Girl and Alfie (original with Michael Caine.)  UK films vs Hollywood comdies — realism vs fantasy. 

1 comment:

Mike Barer said...

I think Georgy Girl was song of the year in 1967.